
The last day at Ng'iresi

We are now back at L'Oasis Lodge, waiting to go for luch with Mama Mkala.

On Lazaro's advice, we have bought 2 kg of sugar and some tea as a gift. When we were at Gody's house for dinner, we brought a kanga as a gift for his wife Christina. It turned out that the swahili words written on it were some romantic message, and Christina started laughing and ran out of the hut when she read it.

Yesterday we saw the secondary school and talked to the history and geography teacher. Luckily, this time, they did not take us into a classroom and leave us to teach. I (brother) was invited to volunteer and teach physics there. Perhaps I will, someday. Badaaye.

We have walked through the dirt roads of Ng'irisi many times the past two days, and I think it has given us a good feel for what life is like there.

Lazaro told us, in the same matter-of-fact manner as he used to inform us of the banana varieties grown in the village, that some of the well-to-do villagers had acquired their wealh he wrong way. One family in particular had through a curse sacrificed their child to accumulate their wealth.

He also told us that he didn't like Obama, because Obama lied about having killed Bin Laden. If Bush hadnt been able to kill Bin Laden, how could Obama have done it?

Leaving Mr Loti's house at Ng'iresi
Leaving Mt Loti's house at Ng'iresi to walk back to Sekei.

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