
Getting the Postbus from Kampala to Fort Portal

Today we got the Post Bus (Posta Uganda!) to Fort Portal, a town in Southwestern
Uganda near the Rwensori mountains.

We have checked into an amazing little guesthouse called Ruwensori View Guesthouse, where we were
informed that dinner is always eaten communally around the same table. Which sounds great. 

We are here to see a little bit of rural Uganda and hopefully do a little bit of hiking in the mountains. Before heading back to Kampala and flying out later this week.

The Post Bus is exactly what it sounds like, a bus that carries post to Post offices in Uganda and at the same time transports people. The post bus had massive speakers that incessantly blasted radio, reggae,
generic pop and country throughout the entire 6-hour busride, over the roaring sound of the wheels against the road. At one stop, a man carrying a bible got on, and walked up and down the isle preaching (shouting) about God and Jesus Christ adding to the noise. And nobody seemed to mind this absurd madness!

Brother found some seatbelts on the bus, but when we were going to use them a massive swarm of mini cockroaches came out and started crawling on our trousers! It was very funny and disgusting. We decided to do what everyone else was doing and not use the seatbelts... to avoid the wrath of the cockroaches...

The Ugandan countryside is very colourful, all green and vibrant with red soil and yellow, pink, red and orange flowers. In general, we've both agreed that Uganda is quite different from Tanzania and feels more modern. Visible differences are that people are wearing more western clothes (not traditional African kangas or kitenges like in Arusha). The women straighten, style and colour their
hair. The cars are also generally more modern, there are more roads that are paved and it also feels like there are more modern houses. Also, people's English has generally been better than in Arusha so we've had fewer misunderstandings. You also hear a lot of Ugandans speaking English with each other. We also haven't been hassled at all. Nobody has followed us or tried to convince us to go on Safari or anything. Generally, people in the streets just ignore us, which is nice. At least in Kampala, you really
feel that tourism is not the main economic activity. So as a tourist you are not in focus in the same way as you are in Arusha. Uganda is cheaper too: food, travel.

Also, it is very warm outside, the climate is actually, like, perfect.

Thankyou for comments on the blog, we love reading them and wish we could reply more but we rarely have good enough internet connections to do so. But we read them! Well, we wanted to blog more now, but the internet cafe we're in offers the slowest internet ever. So, bye for now, until next time...!

Post Bus
Breakfast on the Post Bus. Pepsi. Mmm.

On the Post Bus 1

On the Post Bus 2

View on the way to Fort Portal. 

Boda boda chillin, Uganda
Seen from postbus window: a dude chilling on his boda.

Cow with big horns.
Rwenzori View Guesthouse

Fort Portal
Sister walking in Fort Portal
Pizza in Fort Portal
Pizza in Fort Portal
Fort Portal
Pizza place in Fort Portal
Fort Portal
Pizza meal, Fort Portal

1 comment:

  1. 2 länder -2 äventyr. Låter som resan bara blir bättre i bättre! Hem denna vecka? Ändrade planer? Välkomna nät ni kommer. Jag blir glad o hoppig. Jag gnyr av glädje bara av tanken.

    Ps check out My blog. New puctures.
