
We climbed Karangura Peak, 3012m above sea level, in the Rewenzori Mountains

It was tough! We walked really fast (compared to when we climbed Meru in Tz!) so we were very tired and sweaty. It was fun. We walked through a rainforest and saw black and white colobus monkeys. And blue monkeys swinging in a tree. And trails from chimpanzees. We had a lovely chapati/avocado lunch at the summit and then headed down. Now an early night in Fort Portal to catch the Post Bus to Kampala in the morning. At 7.

Hiking in the Rwenzori Mountains
Fortune teller

Hiking in the Rwenzori Mountains
Fortune teller. Sis will have ONLY one child and brother will have one too, but very late in life.

Hiking in the Rwenzori Mountains

Hiking in the Rwenzori Mountains
Student's from Warwick uni were here and built a generator.

Hiking in the Rwenzori Mountains
Leaking a little, but still providing electricity for the school.

Hiking in the Rwenzori Mountains
The school that got electricity from the generator.

Hiking in the Rwenzori Mountains

Hiking in the Rwenzori Mountains
Hiking in the Rwenzori Mountains
Avocado sandwich.
Hiking in the Rwenzori Mountains
Delicious Organic Meal/Herbal Tea Dining Room at the Rwenzori Campsite.
Hiking in the Rwenzori Mountains
Rwenzori Campsite

Hiking in the Rwenzori Mountains
Campsite hut.

Hiking in the Rwenzori Mountains
..where sister slept.

Hiking in the Rwenzori Mountains
Brother and Brian's hut
Hiking in the Rwenzori Mountains
Rwenzori campsite dining room, and our guide Brian.

Hiking in the Rwenzori Mountains
Rain forest and ranger with gun.
Hiking in the Rwenzori Mountains
The Karangora Peak. The summit was a little lame. It was shaped like an egg, so no view. But rather tiring to get to!
Fort Portal
Leaving Fort Portal.


  1. YOM: Nice to hear again from our brave mountraineers!
    Now rest and HAVE A SAFE JOURNEY back!
    (We climbed part of Pettersonspåret a couple of days ago, that was wet and "klafsigt")

    1. Toppspecialister!Ni får börja göra ett pass där ni stämplar för varje topp ni går upp på.
      Hm, kossor, tuppar, apor och chimpanser. Jag undrar om det finns några hundar i Uganda? Här finns det mycket björn nu sägs det. Och björnungar. Längtar mycket efter er. Undrar om niluktar annorlunda. Slick!

  2. sounds SO amazing! :D
    - nadia
